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Guest Speaker Class January 26

Our class had a guest speaker on Thursday, January 26 2017. The purpose of the guest speaker was to provide the class with a more in-depth opinion on radio advertising. The guest speaker was Jenn Martin; her title is an Assistant Station Manager and Advertising Manager at Acadia Broadcasting Limited. Jenn spoke to the class on the topic of how important and effective radio advertising can be.

Three specific details that the guest speaker provided relating to the main topic were:

  1. An effective advertising plan has a significant budget; having enough funds to support a frequency of 3 times a week.

  1. When planning an annual budget for having a frequency of three. Research proves to have a break-even point at 6 months. The research indicates the result to be 4x the amount invested in the year.

  1. When researching which station to advertise with market share is very important to analyze. A few important aspects are market share, whether it be composite or true market share, time spent listening (TSL), Frequency, Rate Pricing, and Cost Per Point (CPP).

Answering questions from the class, Jenn was asked what would she say attributed to her success. She responded saying four values have attributed to her success:

  • Capability

  • Credibility

  • Integrity

  • Intent

I thought the values she presented were very worthy to how she received her position at the broadcast station. I have my own set of values that I believe in and feel they can attribute to my success when I begin to work.

An additional question related to the presenter’s topic would be; Has there been an advertising plan that had success only through advertising during the evening?

Concluding the topic, I found the presentation very interesting and helpful. The information presented has provided me with a more interest toward radio advertising. I enjoyed the thought of working with a company on planning an effective advertisement strategy. There is flexibility when planning advertisements, planning the best strategy proves to have an effect on sales.

Saint John, NB, Canada

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